Welcome to my personal homepage

I am a passionated software developer and Linux user located in the south of germany.

In my leisure time, I contribute to and maintain various OpenSource software projects.

I am working as IT-Security consultant, securing web applications and designing CI/CD environments for automated F5 ADC operation.

You can find me also at:

OpenSource Projects

In my free time I write code to support the MPD ecosystem. I contribute directly to mpd and libmpdclient and maintain my own software projects.


A standalone and mobile friendly web mpd client with a tiny footprint and advanced features written in C.


Community driven webradio database for myMPD managed by GitHub issues and actions.


A lightweight GPIO controlling framework written in C.


A music player image for Raspberry Pi based on Alpine Linux, MPD and myMPD.

Pen-And-Paper Roleplaying Games

All these games are written in german language and are BY-SA licensed.


Ein freies und abgedrehtes Space-Opera-Rollenspiel um Piraten im Weltraum im Stil der 1980er Zeichentrickserien und Comics.


Ein erzählerisch Rollenspiel für viele unterschiedliche Genres. Die Regeln von SpacePirates und dem Weltenbuch basieren hierauf.

Das Weltenbuch

Ein klischeehaftes Fantasy-Rollenspiel auf einer Buchdoppelseite.